Open Source Leadership Summit 2017
Dates: February 14-16, 2017 | Request an invitation here
Submit a speaking proposal here
Location: Lake Tahoe, The United States
The Linux Foundation Open Source Leadership Summit is where the world’s thought leaders in open source software and collaborative development convene to share best practices and learn how to manage the largest shared technology investments of our time. From open governance to community enablement, Open Source Leadership Summit provides the venue for business leaders to come together with leading technologists to create and advance the open source infrastructure that runs our lives.
More companies than ever before are using open source and collaborative development, or shared R&D, to create the infrastructure on top of which they can take innovative products and services to market faster. This is creating in most companies a new role dedicated to managing shared R&D through collaboration with industry peers. This requires in-depth knowledge of the hundreds of open source projects available; when it make sense to create a new project and how to do so; what open and technical governance practices should be followed; among many other topics.
The Linux Foundation Open Source Leadership Summit is the annual meeting place for the world’s largest open source projects to come together and explore the latest information on how to start, build or participate in collaborative development. From OpenDaylight to Xen Project, Cloud Foundry, Node.js, Hyperledger and many more, this is where open source business leaders and technologists can advance their company’s open source strategy.
Open Source Leadership Summit is…
An exclusive gathering of the brightest minds in open source shaping strategy and implementation across the Linux and Linux Foundation projects’ ecosystem
A place to grow a community of people who are committed within their organizations to increasing open source adoption, participation, and collaboration.
Where anyone who is anyone in open source business comes to learn and share on topics around governance, and other best practices.
The place to identify overlap between open source projects that may not seem connected, in order to create greater efficiencies and encourage cross-pollination of ideas.
Resort at Squaw Creek
400 Squaw Creek Rd
Lake Tahoe, California 96146
United StatesQuestions? Contact us at events@linuxfoundation.org.
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